Glazed Scholarship Info

We offer scholarship coverage for 6 week classes at Glazed. Scholarships are awarded as funds come available on a first come, first serve basis. We offer %30-%70 coverage for the class fee and comp 1 bag of clay per session. We ask for a small overview of why you think pottery will benefit you and how much assistance you are looking for.

Please note, this is a needs based scholarship, and we have limited funds. If you can pay for class in full, please do. If you just need to pay in parts or at a different time, please contact us via email. 

We can offer scholarship assistance for up to 2 sessions of either nighttime wheel or Saturday morning classes or up to 4 sessions for handbuilding, Saturday night or daytime wheel classes.

For folks who want to continue ceramics after the rounds of classes, we have limited Membership spots available for work trade(when spots are open), or you can chat with Garnet about other options for funding classes.

Please fill out our form below to apply,

Please complete the form below